Friday, November 23, 2012

last day

he can use chopsticks really well
 his sisters put a pony tail in his hair....i don't think he likes it.
last day...
this is our last full day in turns out it's a little more difficult on our own without Lily, Rebecca, Miko or Leigh...we have been so spoiled..since our travel group is gone our guides went home to rest up for the next group of 11 families coming on Friday!...we got around by handing the taxi driver a location written in Chinese...we were hoping to go to a "knock off" mall but instead got to a houseware, trinket type of mall....we decided to head to Shamian Island since that is what is familiar to us...we love the quiet island, friendly shop owners and peaceful was nice to be there together today and Mike and I revisited memories from staying there for 2 weeks while adopting Jillian...Mike stayed in the park and let us shop while he worked on the computer....I'm not exactly sure what happened but Joseph threw a fit that made any of the other fits pale in comparison including the one on our way out this morning...this morning he saw a tour bus and knew that is "what we do" except we are not on a tour anymore we were taking a taxi...he went bananas for a bit but after we got in the taxi for about 5 min. he calmed down....this time we could not identify the issue...but it was bad...real bad....we headed towards the park (it was not easy)...Mike could hear us coming...he thought about running the other way (just kidding)...Joseph was flailing, kicking, SCREAMING,  throwing off shoes...and socks...he wouldn't let us hold him or comfort him it just made him madder...I was scared to death he was going to crack his head on the concrete....we were in the middle of the Shamian island park...Mike thought we should let him cry it out a bit so we let him lay on the ground (DIRTY ground) and tried to talk softly to him because there was no holding him...his tears were creating mud on his face...his white shirt was black...there were 4 of us and one of him and he was dominating the show...when I say show I mean that literally as about 6 or 7 people had gathered and were staring...I was so afraid someone was going to call the police because it looked like white people were kidnapping one of their own...the crying it out tactic did not work (he's very determined) so I picked him up as he is screaming and kicking and he got a tiny bit distracted by watching school kids...but still determined held up the screaming...we had to go back to Emma's place to pick up a stamp and I knew she was sweet so I was hoping she could help me with him...she talked to him in Cantonese, nothing in particular just trying to distract him...and he started calming down...I was so thankful...I wondered if he was just so thankful to hear someone talk to him in his one point I worried about his heart from all the energy he was exerting...after he calmed down we flagged down a taxi and headed in the bath (to wash off street filth) and got him down for a nap....I'm sharing this because we have told you so many wonderful things about Joseph...and he is amazing...we are all crazy in love with him...but I also didn't want to give you a skewed version...this is still a child that has been through much trauma...even him entering into a family that loves him dearly is traumatizing and confusing to him...I am sure he wants to communicate so much more but he can't....we will look forward to getting home...seeing his big brother who I know he will adore, and visiting with family and friends....we know there will be many fun times...many more fits and much learning about each other...but as our trip theme goes..."Game On".........

1 comment:

  1. Praying that you have a good flight home without meltdowns!
